Welcome to the Quasar Art Collective

Meet our artist below.

G.S. Davis Art

Hailing from the wilds of Arvada, Colorado, G.S. Davis has been writing comics since the 1980s. Currently working on the space opera "Bellatrix Rising".

My Portfolio


My current comic is about a crashed ship, stranded crew. A tale of survival and escape off a foreign, alien plan.

My Portfolio

Pepper DeLuca

This where you can find the art of Pepper DeLuca.

My Portfolio

Colt's Art

Colton Muheim

I do illustrations, and comic books, 3D Modeling, among other things. In college for video game design, and looking into breaking in to it.

My Portfolio

Art of RMBH

Rafael Maldonado Bad-Hand

Comic book artist and creator of Pilla.

My Portfolio



Writer of Godsbane.

    Aros, a village doctor, sells his soul attempting to revive a colleague who can save them from the apocalypse. To bad she wants to stay dead, and won't help!

My Portfolio

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QAC streams every Monday through Friday at 9am MST, and Sunday through Thursday 10pm MST. All times are GMT -7.