Quasar Art Collective Speed Challenge

Below are the rules for the different challenges, and speed of the challenges.

Printable Rules

QAC Art Challenge Rules

  1. Each show is a 2-hour window to work on the challenge. Below is a break downs of the speed aspect of the challenge.
  2. Cannot have sketched, blue lined, inked, or mostly completed pages done in advanced.
  3. Lettering is not required to be completed during the challenge.
  4. Can have thumbnails in advanced to layout pages faster.
  5. Can have a written script in advance.
  6. Can have character designs in advance.
  7. It can be a long format story.
  8. No restriction on format.
  9. At least 1 show a day.
  10. Does not have to be done in one show.
  11. Never done on Watercolor Wednesday

Level 1:

QAC Art Normal

  1. 2 Page challenge - 2 shows minimum for the challenge
  2. 4 Page challenge - 4 shows minimum for the challenge
  3. 6 Page challenge - 6 shows minimum for the challenge
  4. 8 Page challenge - 8 shows minimum for the challenge

Level 2:

QAC Art Speed

  1. 2 Page challenge - 2 shows minimum for the challenge
  2. 4 Page challenge - 3 shows minimum for the challenge
  3. 6 Page challenge - 4 shows minimum for the challenge
  4. 8 Page challenge - 5 shows minimum for the challenge

Level 3:


  1. 2 Page challenge - 1 shows minimum for the challenge
  2. 4 Page challenge - 2 shows minimum for the challenge
  3. 6 Page challenge - 3 shows minimum for the challenge
  4. 8 Page challenge - 4 shows minimum for the challenge